Check Me Out!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Facebook Bugger!

It started when I approved a friend request from this Mumbai guy.

Hey, I do not simply add friends k? It is just that he and I have a friend in common. I thought I must have know him somewhere or vice versa...

Everytime I log in my Facebook, he'll send me messages like "hi gorgeous", "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii", "wisssup"....

Do you notice he loves to spell everything with double letters? He must have think that is cute, but heck it isn't! 

When I choose to ignore his messages, he will keep sending "wisssup" to me. ( There is no typo error here. He spells "wassup" as "wisssup". Perhaps it is a popular slang in Mumbai? )

He even posts messages on my wall to grab my attention. 

And of course I deleted all of them at the same moment I saw them!


How do you block people on Facebook?


.::WaNiE::. said...

i blocked a guy last month i think. so annoying. when i ignore him he said i have no feelings... crazy !!

at his profile scroll down and see on your left, click on blocked this person :D

Lemon said...

Some people are freaks! ><

Thanks a lot ya! I've blocked the guy.

Biopolymath said...

Just to share one thought, would you consider reporting the person?